Here are some of the statistics that Zigistry found:
Most common licenses used by Zig libraries:
Average storage size of Zig libraries: 6898KB or 6.898MB. (2 months ago)
Zigistry has observed a significant size drop of Zig libraries to:6065KB or 6.065MB . (18th October 2024)
Zigistry has again observed a significant size drop of Zig libraries to: 5691KB . (1st December 2024)
Most common licenses used by Zig programs:
Average storage size of Zig programs: 6232KB or 6.232MB. (2 months ago)
Zigistry has observed a significant size drop of Zig programs to:6036KB or 6.036MB . (18th October 2024)
Zigistry has again observed a significant size drop of Zig programs to: 6008KB . (1st December 2024)